Medtronic ACT II

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Medtronic ACT II Features

The ACT II automated coagulation timer is a portable point-of-care instrument used for hemostasis management that enables coagulation testing in cardiovascular and vascular surgery, catheterization laboratories, critical care units, and hemodialysis units. The ACT II provides multiple testing capabilities including various Activated Clotting Time (ACT) tests, the High Range Heparinase (HRHTC) test, the Prothrombin Time (PT) test and the General Purpose Cartridge (GPC) that can be used for the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT) test.

Other Attributes

Citrated whole blood coagulation controls for verifying instrument and cartridge performance; flashing digital display and audible signal indicating the end of the test; automated incubation is standard; the heparinase cartridge measures ACT of sample with and without.


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