Siemens Mobilett XP

Cotizaciones en menos de 24 horas

Siemens Mobilett XP Portable X-Ray Machine Features

MOBILETT XP features an integrated cable design – eliminating loose cables that can get tangled or caught on objects during transport. The integrated cable design also enables easy arm positioning and makes the system easy to clean

  • The self-calibrating high imaging output, up to 30 kW and 360 mAs (for 230 V line operation), enables short exposure times down to 1 ms – virtually eliminating motion blurring.
  • Remarkably sharp images, made possible by the short exposure times, enhance its utility in chest imaging and neonatal units
  • MOBILETT XP is the optimal choice for semi-sterile environments such as ICU, CCU, neonatal and pediatric departments, or the wards
  • The X-ray examination is easy to complete with the MOBILETT XP



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