GE Logiq 400

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GE Logiq 400/400 Pro Features

The GE Logiq 400/ 400 Pro is an ultrasound machine that can provide exceptional image quality. The GE Loqig 400  system provides advanced digital beam form, adaptive color enhancement, and high-frequency micro imaging modes. The Ultrasound system is mainly used for obstetrics and gynecology.

  • High-Performance Imaging
  • Automatic Tissue Optimization (ATO)
  • New keyboard and intuitive graphical user interface
  • Real-time Doppler Auto Cal.
  • Thumbnails multi-image display and archiving

GE Logiq 400 Specifications


  • Height: 46.8in (1189 mm)
  • Length: 32.9 in (835 mm)
  • Width: 21.3in (540 mm)
  • Weight: 300 lbs (136 kg)

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