Maquet Lucea 100/100

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LUCEA 100/100 is the combination of two LUCEA 100 surgical lights. These surgical lights have been developed in order to provide any operating room with LED technology. Their innovative design combined with a functional shape available in mobile, wall and ceiling-mounted versions as well as a battery operated version.

Designed for minor surgery.

Flux Stability Program included in all light heads:

  • Unique control of LED light flux
  • Dynamic control of illumination providing constant lighting throughout the procedure

Illumination Control:

  • The capacitive control of the light intensity on the light head enables the user to adapt the light output to his needs without any risk of moving the light.
  • Control light units can be adjusted remotely from anywhere in an operating theatre

Minor surgery light head equipped with multimedia technology:

  • Light heads are pre wired: ready to convey video signals for future upgrades in SD quality

Monitor is Optional



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