Stryker Berchtold Chromophare F 300

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Stryker Berchtold Chromophare F 300 Features

The Stryker Berchtold Chromophare F 300 LED surgical light provides an all-around solution for all emergency rooms, operating rooms, and all other healthcare facilities. The F 300 produces highly developed optics, based on the principle of total internal reflection with an integrated Fresnel structure. The Stryker F 300 provides a large homogenous 16 cm diameter field of light, with an excellent depth of illumination.

  • 30-watt high-performance LEDs.
  • Color temperature of 4,500K.
  • Precise, easy, reliable, and smooth moving.
  • Removable sterile handle allows optimal positioning.

Stryker Berchtold Chromophare F 300 Specifications

Technical Data

  • Light Head Diameter: 33 cm
  • Illumination Intensity: 55,000 Lux
  • Intensity Control: 5 levels, 20-100%
  • Light Field Diameter: 16 cm
  • Depth of Illumination L1+L2 (as per IEC 601-2-41/2): > 130 cm
  • Color Rendering Index: 96
  • Color Temperature: 4,500 K
  • Lights: 7 LEDs
  • LED Service Life: 30,000 hrs
  • Total Radiation Power at Max. Intensity: 170 W/m²



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