Midmark 111

Cotizaciones en menos de 24 horas

Midmark 111 Features

The Ritter Midmark 111 Four Power Procedure Chair offers Power capabilities with style and power to more easily move your patients comfortably to the exact position you want with the touch of your toe.

The 111 Four Power Procedure Chair/Exam Table comes with an easy-to-use foot control pedal to adjust height, tilt, back, and foot sections.

The Ritter Midmark 111 Four Power Procedure Chair/Exam Table is ideal for an array of procedures and different height requirements, especially if you have many patients who are infirm, obese or older.

The power back moves 90 degrees, the wide top tapers at its head and is 27″ which makes close-in head work much easier.

The 45-degree power tilt makes positioning great for proctors, urologic exams, OB/GYN exams, colposcopes or laser surgery. The power foot section makes knee-chest and OB/GYN procedures easy, too.

Midmark 111 Specifications

  • Minimum height: 26″
  • Maximum height: 42″
  • Tilt: Up to 45 degrees
  • Width (top): 27″
  • Length: 70″
  • Length with headrest extended: 80″
  • Paper roll holder: 21″

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