Hemochron Jr Signature+

Cotizaciones en menos de 24 horas

Hemochron Jr Signature+ Features

The HEMOCHRON Jr. Signature+ Whole Blood Microcoagulation System is a battery-operated, hand-held instrument that performs individual point-of-care coagulation tests on fresh or citrated whole blood. These tests include Activated Clotting Time (ACT+ and ACT-LR), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT and APTT Citrate), and Prothrombin Time (PT and PT Citrate). The system is intended to be used with test



  • the system is portable for bedside use
  • Fresh whole blood or citrated whole blood can be used (assay dependent)
  • Only one drop of blood is required
  • Results are available in minutes
  • Results are displayed appropriately as whole blood, plasma equivalent, Celite equivalent seconds, or INR
  • Test type is automatically read from the cuvette
  • Test results are automatically stamped with date and time
  • Results from 400 patient tests and 400 QC tests can be stored
  • Stored results can be printed and/or downloaded to a personal computer
  • Stored results can be searched by Patient ID
  • Instrument self-checks are automatically performed
  • Electronic Quality Control (EQC) cuvettes are used to check instrument operation at two levels
  • A Temperature Verification cuvette can be additionally used to check test chamber temperature
  • The display is illuminated for viewing in low light
  • The user is alerted when the battery is low
  • An optional printer can be connected
  • The system can be customized using a personal computer and HEMOCHRON Configuration Manager software
  • User Notes can be entered to add additional information to the test results
  • Patient/QC test reports can be created using a personal computer and ITC data management software programs

¿Pregunte sobre nuestras Analizador de Coagulación?

Soma Tech Intl ofrece una amplia gama de Analizador de Coagulación. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre cualquiera de nuestros equipos medicos o necesita una cotización rápida, llámenos y uno de nuestros expertos representantes de ventas lo ayudará.

¿Quiere vender sus Analizador de Coagulación? Soma le garantiza que usted obtendrá el mejor precio por su equipo y también ofrece la opción de crédito de intercambio.

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