GE Lunar Orca
The LUNAR ORCA 6/4 inch Mini C-Arm is a powerful high-resolution Mini C-Arm that allows larger extremities such as knees and shoulders to be viewed with ease as well as all smaller extremities.
The image can also be coned down to a 4″ Field of View for an even higher resolution image.
The Lunar has the largest field of view size available on the Mini C-Arm market. It has crisp digital imaging, edge enhancement, onboard image storage, split screen imaging for viewing multiple images at once, multi-function foot pedal optional remote control
- Dual Mode 6”/ 4” Image Intensifier
- X-ray Tube
- 150 Image Storage
- Single Standard Resolution Monitor
- Low Scatter
- Split Screen
- Patient Data Keyboard
- Frame Averaging
- Black & White Thermal Printer