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GE AMX III Features

GE AMX III mobile X-ray systems are based on the revolutionary AMX family of portables. These mobiles are designed to take patient care to new heights. They’re more compact and more powerful than their predecessors. Ready at a moment’s notice, these systems offer the latest in GE’s mobile imaging capabilities.

  • Operates bedside at full power with auxiliaries without a power connection.
  • Variable speed, forward and reverse.
  • Constant-potential output makes 100 mA rating equivalent to 200 mA single phase conventional generators.
  • The rechargeable battery pack has a capacity of 10,000 mAs measured @ 100 kVp; proportionally more mAs at lower kilo voltages.
  • Silicon high-voltage rectifiers and solid state timer for consistent results.
  • Solid state high-frequency inverter.
  • Overload protection for high-voltage components and battery pack

Ge AMX III Specifications

Power Requirements

Obtained from the rechargeable 120V battery

Power Required to Recharge Battery

110 to 125 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 6.0 amps

Battery Capacity

Approximately 10,000 mAs at 100 kVp, when fully charged

Motor Drive Ratings

The drive assist unit can be driven at speeds up to 180 feet per minute or 54.9 meters per minute

X-ray Generator Ratings & Duty Cycle

All radiographic exposures with this unit are at 100 milliamperes

kVp (maximum)

  • 110 to 125
  • 95 to 105
  • 50 to 90

mAs (maximum)

  • 200
  • 250
  • 320

All rates and duty cycles are subject to limitations of the X-ray tube rating and apply at altitudes up to 8,000 feet (2,438 kilometers), average relative humidity not exceeding 80% and ambient temperature between 60°F (15.6°C) and 100°F (37.8°C)

Typical Accuracies

±6% of kVp and ±10% of mAs

Selection and Range

  • 0.64 mAs to 1.25 mAs
  • 1.6 mAs to 10 mAs
  • 12.5 mAs to 320 mAs
  • 50 kVp to 74kVp
  • 76 kVp to 125 kVp


  • ±30%
  • ±20%
  • ±12%
  • ±(9% + 1kV)
  • ±(12% + 2 kV)

kVp accuracies subject to additional ±(5% + 2kV) and mAs to ±3% accuracy of instrumentation used for calibration and measurement.

Conditions to Meet Previously Mentioned Accuracies

  • Handswitch must have been released for 25 seconds after previous exposure.
  • 15-minute interval after change completion with the key switch in ON or CHARGE.
  • Main power circuit breaker ON must be allowed before making an exposure


  • Minimum inherent filtration is 1.5 mm aluminum equivalent to 150 kVp. Additional filtration may be obtained by inserting 1 mm and/or 2 mm aluminum filters.
  • Minimum source-to-skin distance is limited to more than 30 cm by the tracks on the bottom of the collimator for mounting the accessory extension cylinder.
  • Full 17″ x 17″ (.43 m x .43 m) radiographic coverage at 40″ (1.02 m) source to image distance is provided for tubes with a 15-degree target angle.
  • The collimator can be rotated and locked positively at 0°, ±15°, ±30°, ±45°, and ±90° from the front position.

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