Drager Fabius GS Premium

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Drager Fabius GS Premium Features

The Drager Fabius GS Premium is an anesthesia machine that offers a wide range of ventilation capabilities that can be customizable to fit your OR needs. The anesthesia machine offers advanced ICU Piston ventilation that eliminated the need for driver gases, while still providing support for volume and pressure controls and pressure support. The Fabius GS Premium shows the details of the ventilation parameters on a high contract color monitor. The anesthesia Machine offers low-flow anesthesia, standard mounting rails for additional Drager monitors, and a locking brake system for easy movability.

  • High-contrast color monitor with the Drager user interfaces for easy and familiar operation.
  • All major ventilation modes.
  • New, highly maneuverable trolley with central brake.
  • Integrated LED workplace illumination.
  • Solid, spacious design with large drawers.
  • Industry-standard rails for additional Drager and third-party equipment.

Drager Fabius GS Premium Specifications


  • Height: 52 in
  • Depth: 33 in
  • Width: 30 in
  • Weight: (Base unit without vaporizers or cylinders): 296 lbs (134.2 kg)

Power Supply

  • 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.3 A max.
  • Battery (supports ventilator and monitor): > 45 min.

Ventilator E-Vent

  • Electronically controlled, electrically driven.

Breathing Frequency

  • 4 to 60 bpm.

Max. Minute Volume (MV)

  • 99 L/min.

Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP

  • 0-20 cmH2O.

Inspiration / Expiration Ratio (Ti:Te)

  • 4:1 to 1:4

Pressure Limiting (Pmax):

  • 15-70 cmH20

Tidal Volume (Vt):

  • 20-1400 mL in Volume Control.
  • 20-1100 mL in SIMV/PS.

Inspiratory Pause (Tip: Ti):

  • 0 – 50 %

SIMV Inspiratory Time (Tinsp):

  • 0.3 – 4.0 sec.

Inspiratory Pressure (Pinsp):

    PEEP + 5 to 65 cmH2O.

Inspiratory Flow (InspFlow):

  • 10-75 L/min in Volume and Pressure Control.
  • 10-85 L/min in Pressure Support.

Pressure Support Level (ΔPPS):

  • PEEP + 3 to 20 cmH2O.

Min. Freq. for Apnea-Ventilation (Freq. Min.):

  • 3-20 bpm and «OFF”.


  • 2-15 L/min.

Range of Fresh Gas Flow Indicators:

  • 0.00 to 12.0 L/min.

Total Fresh Gas Flow Meter:

  • 0 to 10 L/min.
  • Calibrated with a mixture of 50 % O2 and 50 % N2O mixture.

O2 Flush:

  • 87 psi (6 bar):
    • max.75 L/min
  • 41 psi (2.8 bar):
    • min 25 L/min

More Information on the Drager Fabius GS Premium

High-performance ventilation

A powerful and accurate E-vent piston ventilator; technology that delivers ICU-like ventilation performance – no need for drive gas. Volume control, pressure control, pressure support (PS), and SIMV/PS – all major ventilation modes can be supported. With low-flow ventilation, compact breathing system, and an optional heater, the Fabius GS premium is a logical choice.

Comprehensive information

An integrated, high contrast color monitor displays vital ventilation parameters and curves in real-time. Virtual flow tubes show individual gas flows and a mechanical tube shows the total gas flow. Total gas flow is displayed even in the unlikely event of power failure.

Enhanced ergonomics

The Fabius GS premium comes with a new, highly maneuverable trolley featuring a convenient central brake for quick and easy workstation positioning. Additional storage space for equipment and a large table for documentation and other necessities are standard features. The compact breathing system can be mounted on either side, depending on your individual needs. Work in a dark environment? Integrated illumination and an additional light source support you. The Fabius GS premium is compatible with our practical and economical CLIC absorbers.

Customized flexibility

Every hospital has its own challenges. That’s why we designed the Fabius GS premium with an open, modular architecture. Low-flow ventilation, standard mounting rails, and medical-grade power outlet strips for Dräger Omega and Delta XL monitors or even approved third-party equipment – the Fabius GS premium can be customized to better suit your individual needs.

Ready for IT-integration

Integration into your existing hospital information system is no problem for the Fabius GS premium. Take advantage of its information management capabilities with Infinity monitoring solutions for rapid patient data access and transfer.

Refurbished Drager Fabius GS Premium Anesthesia Machine

Soma Tech Intl offers Drager Fabius GS Premium Anesthesia Machines up to 50% below OEM prices with the same service and warranty as new. The Drager Fabius is not only technically refurbished but also cosmetically refurbished to make it work and look new. When the refurbishing process starts on the anesthesia machine, it is carefully inspected and tested by our own in-house biomedical engineers that are highly skilled and certified to work on anesthesia machines. If necessary, parts are replaced to make sure that all aspects of the Anesthesia Machine are functioning properly. Once everything is in working order, the unit is calibrated back to the original engineering manufacturer specifications. This ensures that the unit is working the same way that it originally left the manufacturer. After the Anesthesia Machine is working like new it undergoes a special cosmetic restoration process. The Drager Fabius GS Premium is cleaned, minor scratches and dents are repaired, it’s painted, and new decals are replaced if necessary. After this strenuous refurbishing process, the unit functions and looks like new. Soma Tech Intl is ISO 13485 certified and ensures that the best quality is given to all capital medical equipment that they sell. Before the Drager Fabius GS Premium is labeled patient-ready and packed up for shipment, it goes through one last quality control test that makes sure all aspects are again working as they should. If you are looking to buy refurbished Drager Fabius GS Premium anesthesia machine contact soma at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-GET-SOMA.

Soma Tech Intl is also actively looking to purchase a Drager Fabius GS Premium. If you or your facility is looking to sell your Anesthesia Machine, be sure to contact Soma Tech Intl. Soma has a dedicated and experienced purchasing department that helps you through the entire process. Selling your used or pre-owned Drager Fabius GS Premium to Soma Tech Intl takes out the middle man in the equation. This also ensures that your medical facility gets top dollar for your equipment. Soma is 100% HIPPA compliant and makes sure that your equipment gets to our facility in the same condition that it left yours. Soma Tech Intl also gives the option for trade-in credit on your medical equipment. If you or your facility is looking to regain space for new equipment, or if you are looking to upgrade your current equipment, contact Soma Techn Intl’s purchasing department at [email protected] or send us a message on our Sell to Soma website.

Questions about our Anesthesia Machines?

Soma Tech Intl offers a wide range of anesthesia machines. If you have any questions about any of our anesthesia products or need a quick quote, call 1-800-GET-SOMA and one of our knowledgeable sales representatives will help you.



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