Drager Babylog VN500 Features
The Drager Babylog VN500, for sale or for rent, combines our years of experience and dedication with the latest innovative technology in the field of neonatal ventilation. The result is a complete, integrated ventilation solution for the tiniest of patients. Move on toward new frontiers today and be prepared for the developments of tomorrow.
- Individual monitoring views that can be determined by the user
- Standardized, intuitive, and user-friendly graphical user interface
- Online help including context-sensitive help functions
- Extended monitoring functions and smart data visualizations
- Smart Pulmonary View provides a graphical display of the compliance and resistance, including spontaneous breathing
- Trending, measured parameters, waveforms, and loops
Drager Babylog VN500Specifications
- (W x H x D)Babylog VN500 and Infinity® C500: 420 mm × 685 mm × 410 mm (11.5 in × 12.6 in × 16.1 in)
- Babylog VN500 and Infinity® C500 on the trolley: 577 mm × 1400 mm × 677 mm (22.7 in × 55.1 in × 26.7 in)
- Babylog VN500 and Infinity® C500 approx. 25 kg (55.1 lbs)
- Babylog VN500 and Infinity® C500 on trolley approx. 59 kg (130 lbs)
- GS500 approx. 10.5 kg (23 lbs)
- PS500 approx. 27 kg (59.5 lbs)
- Mounting Adapter for 38 mm pole approx. 2.35 kg (5.18 lbs)
Infinity® C500
- Diagonal screen size 17”
- TFT color touch screen
- Input / Output ports – RS232 (9-pin) connectors:
– USB ports for data collection
– 1 DVI for digital video output
– RJ 45 Ethernet connectors
- Mains power supply 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Gas Supply
- O2 pressure 2.7 to 6.0 bar (or 270 to 600 kPa or 39 to 87 psi)
- Air pressure 2.7 to 6.0 bar (or 270 to 600 kPa or 39 to 87 psi)
Performance Data
- Control principle time-cycled, pressure-controlled, volume-constant
- Inspiratory flow (BTPS) max. 60 L/min
- Base flow, neonates 6 L/min
- Base flow, pediatric patients 3 L/min
Displayed Calculated Values
- Leakage minute volume (MVleak) Range 0 to 30 L/min BTPS
- Spontaneous portion of minute volume in percent % (MVspon) 0 to 100 %
- Compliance (C) Range 0 to 650 mL/mbar (or mL/hPa or mL/cmH2O)
- Resistance (R) Range 0 to 1,000 mbar/(L/s) (or hPa/(L/s) or cmH2O/(L/s)
- Curve displays Airway pressure Paw (t) -30 to 100 mbar (or hPa or cmH2O) Flow (t) -40 to 40 L/min
- Volume V (t) 2 to 300 mL
- CO2 (t) 0 to 100 mmHg or 0 to 13.2 Vol% (at 1013 mbar (1013 cmH2O)) or 0 to 13.3 kPa)