GE Logiq 200/200 Pro

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GE Logiq 200/200 Pro Features

The GE Logiq 200/200 Pro is an Ultrasound machine that was designed to provide superior imaging. The Logiq 200 pro comes with digital beamformer technology, providing cleared images. The system additionally comes with Wideband transducers that can drastically improve the contrast sensitivity and increase the resolution, making it easier to diagnose. The Ge Logiq Ultrasound can easily adjust the imaging parameters, along with Live Picture-in-Picture (PiP) imaging you can zoom in to a region of the tissue without losing sight of the original image. The GE Logiq 200 can hold up to 1800 images and patient data on its Magnetic Optical Disc (MOD).

  • Black and White high-resolution display
  • Digital Beamformer
  • Automatic tissue Optimization (ATO)
  • Picture-in-Picture imaging with Wideband Transducers

GE Logiq 200/200 Pro Specifications


  • Advanced Wave Shaping
  • High-precision Digital Beamformer
  • Wideband transducers
  • High-resolution display


  • Automatic Tissue Optimization
  • Live Picture-in-Picture [PiP]
  • Expanded reporting
  • Portable and ready to scan
  • Digital Image Management

User Progress:

  • Breakthrough technologies
  • Programmable Digital Beamformer

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