GE NuCart

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GE NuCart Features

The NuCART displays up to 4 bright, crisp images on high-definition medical grade displays that are compatible with signals from surgical video cameras, PACS, fluoroscopy, ultrasound. Because it is mounted on wheels, the system can be rolled wherever it is needed. The NuCART replaces old-fashioned, bulky video towers and is a more cost-effective solution than suspending equipment and displays from ceiling booms. The best-in-class reach of the arms provides excellent ergonomically comfortable viewing zones on either side of the patient. The long booms can help alleviate tower clutter around the patient because of their 7’+ reach. The spacious shelves help consolidate equipment into a single footprint saving floor space.

  • Enjoy the flexibility of rolling your monitors into any of your procedure rooms during setup.
  • Get clear on-screen images within your field of view.
  • When you image with an OEC 9900 Elite and view those images on a clear HD NuCART monitor, you can position monitors for your best, most comfortable view.
  • View multiple images at once. The NuCART has two articulating arms, each holding an HD monitor capable of split-screen viewing.
  • Customize your view. The simple touchscreen lets you control what’s on each monitor from a central panel, while the DOCS software
    maximizes integration performance.
  • Spacious shelves can help consolidate equipment into a single space-saving footprint.
  • Booms fold and nest but maintain an open view so the NuCART is easy to push down the hall.

GE NuCart Specifications


  • Dual 24” or 26” LED displays
  • Handles on the sides of the monitors for easy lifting, The Display can be raised
    above Booms
  • Displays surgical video, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, patient vital signs, and
    other common image inputs in the OR


  • The reach of 7.5’ allows 54” between the cart face and surgical table midline


  • Thirteen image sources including DVI-D, Synch on Green, VGA, HD-SDI, S-Video, Composite
  • RFID keycard to undock touchscreen tablet
  • When you image with an OEC 9900 Elite and view those images on a clear HD NuCART monitor, you can position monitors for your best, most comfortable view.


  • Up to 5 shelves for cameras, light sources, ESG, and printer. Each can hold up to 30 lbs.
  • Shelves include safety straps for securing equipment
  • Spacious shelves can help consolidate equipment into a single space-saving footprint.
  • Shelves have a soft rubber bumper around them
  • (2) GCX channels with optional baskets

Touch Screen

  • The simple touch screen lets you control what’s on each monitor from a
    the central panel, while the DOCS® software maximizes integration performance.


  • Locking casters


  • Eight electrical outlets with medical-grade power conditioning run all
    on-board equipment through one power cord.


  • Cable and cords concealed in columns to eliminate tangles and cleaning hassles
  • 10A of conditioned electrical power for your shelf-mounted medical equipment

Questions about our Surgical Booms?

Soma Tech Intl offers a wide range of Surgical Booms. If you have any questions about any of our surgical booms or need a quick quote, call us and one of our knowledgeable sales representatives will help you.

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