Happy Thanksgiving

November 22, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving

In 1863, Congress enacted the first official government holiday of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has become commercialized to mark the official start of the winter holiday season. Before this, Thanksgiving is a time to stop our hectic schedules and take time to remember what is important in life. Gathering around friends and family makes people feel supported, and gives meaning to the lives they lead. Take time to go around the table and list what you are thankful for, including family, friends, health, and any personal growth over the last year. Indulge in the rich foods of turkey, gravy, roasted vegetables, creamy potatoes, and sweet pies, for a happy thanksgiving.

Remember there are many safety precautions to take during the hectic holiday time. Tonight, the day before thanksgiving, is the largest drunk driving day. While there will be plenty of police officers out, it is still the number one day for car accidents to happen, including those from drunk drivers, and those who are traveling great distances to be with their family. If you are planning on tackling Black Friday or Black Thursday sales, be careful of your surroundings.

What are your thanksgiving plans? Is there a special dish that you always bring, or one that you look forward to. Do you have any thanksgiving family traditions that are unique to your family?

In observance, Soma Technology will be closed this Thursday and Friday, resuming normal business hours for Monday, 8:30-5:00. Happy Thanksgiving!


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