Heart Pumping Technology

January 20, 2017
Heart Pumping Technology

Cardiac technology beats to its own rhythm. The first pacemaker was implemented in 1958, and the first successful heart transplant was done in 1967. Over the last half a century people prone to cardiac failure are being treated, and increasing their longevity and quality of life. Everyday scientists and researchers make medical breakthroughs contributing to an overall upward trend of patient health given in the field of healthcare. Until the days scientists have figured out how to grow new organs out of our own cells, we will continue to rely on these technological innovations and assistance.

Science Translational Medicine has published the paper, “Soft Robotic Sleeve Supports Heart Function” in their journal. The team of researchers created a soft sleeve that cradles the heart and aids in the pumping of blood. Those at risk of cardiovascular diseases, or weak hearts can now have their cardiac functions vastly improved. The researchers describe their device as, “a soft robotic device with material properties similar to those of native heart tissues that sits snugly around the heart and provides ventricular assistance without ever contacting blood.” The researchers go on to write, the robotic sleeve uses compressed air to power artificial silicone muscles that compress and twist, mimicking the movements of the normal heart.” This device was tested on adult pigs and greatly increased cardiac functions.

Medical innovations are perhaps the greatest advancements because they directly affect quality of life. More attention will need to be given to this device, as it will likely need to undergo more testing and perhaps a redesign.


Source: http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/9/373/eaaf3925.full

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