World Alzheimer’s Day
September 21, 2017Today is World Alzheimer’s Day. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable, and can not be prevented since predisposed genetics are large factors in the nature of the disease. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease that affects and kills the synapses between brain cells. These cells are unable to filter information through broken pathways, and result in confusion and misinformation. Research is currently being done on how to prevent Alzheimer’s and to repair these lost synapses. Women are affected more than men are because they live longer. According to the Mayo Clinic, the symptoms are; memory loss, confusion, mood disorders, inability to perform certain tasks, trouble thinking and reasoning, and being able to plan.
The true devastation of Alzheimer’s not only lays with the person affected who is slowly losing their sense of reality, but by the family who is losing a grasp on their loved one. There are drugs available from a doctor after a diagnosis is made. A healthy environment is necessary for someone with advanced Alzheimer’s. It is necessary to monitor their behavior to make sure that they don’t forget to eat. If anyone you know has been affected by this disease, please comment, and let us know how you dealt with that situation.