Verathon BladderScan BVI 9400

March 8, 2018
Verathon Bladderscan BVI 9400 - Soma Technology, Inc.

Verathon BladderScan BVI 9400

Soma Technology prides itself on carrying only the top manufacturers in the healthcare sector. We carry companies such as GE, Philips, Zeiss, Physio-Control and Verathon. The Verathon BladderScan BVI 9400 bladder scanner is one of our best products.


This BVI 9400 is one of the top in its class. The lightweight and small structure of the bladder scanner makes it ideal for portability either between examining rooms, or transportation within the ER, or ICU.The 9400 consists of an ultrasound probe that scans the patient’s bladder, and a compact battery-operated console that provides an array of measurement-related information.

The Verathon BVI 9400 is easy to use. Within seconds, this device uses ultrasonic waves to form an image for the urologist. The machine can calculate bladder volume.This technology applies a multi-spectral analysis to a robust data set, helping reduce the margin of error and minimize uncertainty in essential measurements of bladder function.

The technologically advanced features are an onboard printer, HIPAA compliant ScanPoint Technology to store patient data. The exams that are stored can be accessed at any time. Using a web interface, the user can calibrate the device, access, and archive data, and transfer data.

The BVI has a precision aiming probe, voice annotated exams, an onboard printer and patient records.

Verathon Bladderscan BVI 9400 - Bladder Scanner - Soma Tech Intl.


This device stands at 10.5 inches with a width of 8.75 inches. It comes standard with an internal electrotechnical commission, a safety standard, lithium-ion battery pack and a thermal label printer. A fully charged battery can provide approximately 30 exams within a 24-hour period. The charge time offline should not exceed 6 hours. This Verathon BVI 9400 is water resistant and should be stored indoors with a relatively low humidity point.

Final Thoughts

Have you used the Verathon BladderScan BVI 9400? Are there certain features that you enjoy using? Are there any features you would change? Comment below!

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