Wednesday Wisdom: The Science of New Years Resolutions
January 2, 2019Wednesday Wisdom: The Science of New Years Resolutions
Every New Year’s Eve brings the promise of a new year full of new opportunities and hope. Culturally, this has signified as a time to change things you don’t like about your current lifestyle. These changes are traditionally called New Year’s Resolutions. Click to read more about how our brain interprets New Year resolutions, and how we can stick to our goals.
The Psychological Science Behind New Years Resolutions
The brain is the most resourceful organ in our body, controlling our thoughts, actions, and words. It is the most powerful organ that controls all other parts. As humans are essentially the same beings who strive for happiness, acceptance, and success, most of the popular resolutions revolve around those topics that bring immediate joy. This can be described as a chemical release or a reward when a resolution is accomplished or fulfilled. The brain likes it when goals are attained, and that release of dopamine can become highly sought after.
Popular NewYears Resolutions
There are a handful of New Year’s resolutions that are almost always the same, year after year. Some of these new years resolutions include:
- Losing Weight/ Gaining Muscle
- Eating Healthier
- Become Financially Secure
- Spend More Time With Friends and Family
- Working on Mental Health
- Overcoming a Fear
- Finding Love
- Becoming Happy
- Improving A Skill
- Reading More Books
- Learning to Cook
- Managing Time More Efficiently
- Training For a Marathon
- Adopting a Pet
- Working On Being Calmer
Final Thoughts
Do you have a New Years resolution? Is this something that you have seen as a struggle within 2018, and are looking to change, or to become better at a skill? Do you think a New Year’s resolution is even attainable? Do you believe when people say they set resolutions for themselves? Comment below!