Fun Facts About The Nose: Fun Fact Friday

October 2, 2020
Fun Facts About The Nose - Soma Tech Intl

Fun Facts About The Nose

Have you ever noticed that smell is the strongest of our senses? Have you ever had a time when you smelled something and you are instantly taken back to a memory? Can you identify a time when you smelled a certain type of food and it brought back feelings of a family event? The smell of the outdoors after it rains, or opening the pages of an old book? Continue reading to learn more about the nose!

Your Nose

There is a lot more to our noses than just breathing and smelling. Our noses have a complex anatomy. When you breathe, the air passes through your nasal cavity on the way to the lungs. The nasal cavity helps trap pollutants and bacteria in the mucus. The mucus goes to the stomach where it neutralizes the pollutants and bacteria.  The inside of the nose contains olfactory sensory neurons which allow us to sense smells. Molecules of the scent are then transported to these neurons. Our brain can pick our 1 part per million of these scents in the air. Our brain then processes these smells and encodes them as memories.

Your nose can remember 50,000 scents.

The human nose has about 400 different types of scent receptors throughout the nasal cavities. It can detect a trillion different odors, and in conjunction with your brain can remember 50,000 scents. Have you ever wondered why companies that appeal to our sense of smell and taste only use really good-smelling ingredients? This is because they want to profit off of us smelling scents that make us feel good. This is why candle, hygiene, perfume, and body products companies use the following scents:

  1. Flowers
  2. Trees
  3. Fresh fruit
  4. Food
  5. Herbs
  6. Evergreen
  7. Beach
  8. Sandalwood
  9. Campfire

Unfortunate Smells

Sometimes, certain pungent or acrid smells can transport someone to a difficult time in their life, or to a terrible memory. Some people who suffer from PTSD may smell something that can trigger their anxiety. These smells can include smoke, which is also an irritant, oil, or certain poisonous chemicals.

Scent Therapy – Aromatherapy

There is a certain belief that smells can instantly affect your mood. In ancient Egypt, waxes and perfumes were always carried and worn. Tombs have uncovered these waxes and perfumes. People invest in diffusers and essential oils to carry smells throughout their spaces. Oils and salts can be added to baths as a form of relaxation. Some people swear that lavender helps them sleep well.

Final Thoughts

Do you have a scent that you find remarkably amazing? Is there a type of smell that instantly transports you back to a time when you were younger? Was there a perfume or cologne a family member would wear that makes you connect with them? Comment what your favorite scents are and if you have any go-tos for making you feel better. We suggest lavender, Moroccan Rose, vanilla, pineapple, and coastal beach as our favorite scents.


  1. Hello,
    I’ve lost my sense of smell and taste since having Covid, but I have amazing phantosmia which is interesting but the other smells that I smell at random are smells from my past. They seem to come from nowhere.
    Can you explain what’s happening?

    1. Hello Beverly! Thank you for reading our blog! We would have to do more research on that specific relation.

      We hope your smell and taste come back soon!

      Soma Tech Intl

    2. Old factory issues are in general, under funded, and under studied. Contact the nearest University that has a smell research center.

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