Level 1 Rapid Infuser | Smiths Medical | Level One Rapid Infuser

August 21, 2020
Rapid Infusers and Fluid Warmers offered by Soma Tech Intl

Different Level 1 Infuser Models

What is a Fluid Warmer and Rapid Infuser?

Fluid warmers and rapid infusers are vital and lifesaving for surgical or critically ill patients. A fluid warmer electrically warms fluids or blood products before they are given to a patient intravenously to help the patient maintain a normal body temperature. A rapid infuser is used to administer blood products and fluids at rapid rates to critically ill patients. They are generally used in a hospital or clinical setting by trained healthcare professionals.

Even small drops in body temperature after significant blood loss can be detrimental, delaying recovery or allowing infection to set in. The fluid is warmed inside the bag so it can be comfortably administered to the patient by way of an IV. The basic level allows fluid to be warmed up. The next level quickly delivers the fluid to the patient through the IV, and the most advanced level includes a safety valve.

The Level 1 blood and fluid warmers from Smiths Medical help reduce the risk and allow for early diagnosis of hypothermia, hyperthermia, and malignant hyperthermia. Level 1 temperature management systems used in clinical care settings help to monitor and regulate patient temperature through rapid infusion of normothermic blood and I.V. fluids, as well as routine blood and fluid warming.

Level 1 H-1000 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer

The Smiths Medical Level 1 H-1000  fluid warmer has been diagnosed for safe, rapid in-line warming of I.V. fluids as they are administered to the patient. Disposable sets designed for warming at various infusion rates are available.


Smiths Medical  H-1000 Features

  • The H-1000 employs a safe circulating water heating system, inherently free of any “hotspots.” The primary temperature control circuit sets the circulating water bath to a temperature of approximately 42 °C for efficient heat exchange and maximum fluid warming.
  • The Sturdy Design of the H-1000 offers a compact custom I.V. pole mount setup.
  • Disposable Sets employ a unique “hands-off” Gas Vent which vents micro-bubbles of gas that are always released from fluids as they are warmed.


Level 1 H-1025 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer

The Level 1 H-1025 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer provides a rapid flow of warmed fluids, such as crystalloid or blood products, including red blood cells, as a volume replacement. Even a small drop in a patient’s body temperature can be detrimental – delaying recovery or allowing infection to set in. With Level 1’s proven technology, the blood or fluid is inherently free of any “hot spots,” as the H-1025 employs a safe, sealed heating system.


Smiths Medical H-1025 Features

  • Automated Pressure Chambers: Rigid pressure chambers accommodate standard blood and crystalloid bags, providing a constant 300mmHgpressure for rapid infusion while allowing for fast and easy bag changes
  • Heat Exchanger: Aluminum heat exchanger transfers heat 1000 times faster than plastic
  • Gas Vent: The Gas Vent provides the added feature of automated air elimination, which eliminates microbubbles without the need for frequent repriming.
  • Built-In Safety Features: Monitors reservoir temperature to prevent overheating, with an audible and visual alarm if reservoir temperature reaches 43.9° C.

Level 1 H-1200 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer

The Level 1 H-1200 Fast Flow Fluid Warmers allow rapid infusion of warm fluids while providing the extra level of protection of an integrated Air Detector/Clamp. Upon detection of air in the line, the flow of blood and crystalloid is automatically stopped, allowing quick removal of air and restoration of flow without disconnecting from the patient or changing disposable administration sets. Different disposable sets are available for a variety of clinical applications.

Smiths Medical H-1200 Features

  • Rigid pressure chambers accommodate standard blood and crystalloid bags providing a constant 300mmHg pressure for rapid infusion.
  • On/Off toggle switch used to quickly and easily pressurize chambers.
  • Aluminum heat exchanger, that transfers heat 1,000 times faster than plastic, with the counter current 42°C circulating water bath, ensures patients receive normothermic blood and I.V. fluids.
  • An additional level of safety with the integrated Air Detector/Clamp that detects the presence of air in blood and crystalloid, alerts clinicians, and automatically stops the flow and allows quick removal of air without disconnecting from the patient or changing disposables.

All information from Smiths Medical.


  1. Can the level 1 infuser be used with the BD Nexiva Diffusics IV catheter device? We have them in 20 and 22 guage.

  2. How long is the tubing able to be utilized in the Rapid Infuser for blood transfusions? Is it by time frame? or by number of blood product infusions? What is your recommendation?
    Thank you

  3. Dear Company Authorities,
    We wish to buy the rapid fluid and blood infusion system at SGPGIMS, Lucknow, UP, India through Government-authorized tender system for patient clinical use.

    Please send your India local person or inform us how we can start the process of buying. We shall be highly obliged for your interest.

    Prof Sandeep Sahu

    1. Hello!

      Thank for for reaching out regarding the Level 1 Rapid Infuser! We have sent your contact information over to one of our sales representatives. They should be reaching out to you shortly.

      Thank you for contacting Soma Tech Intl!

  4. Level 1 H-1200 – are there any substitutes for the D-100 Normothermic IV fluid administration sets?

    1. We just checked with our medical parts and accessories department. There is currently no substitute that we know of. We recommend contacting the manufacturer Smiths Medical to see what they would recommend.

      Thank you for reaching out!
      Soma Tech Intl

    1. Hello Dr. Smriti Sinha!

      The maximum rate of of administration is dependent on the type of disposable administration set. The below ranges are taken from the Level 1 H-1200 fast flow fluid warmer operator’s manual.


      • Fluid Delivery Range
        • 10°C Input: 40 ml/min. to 300 ml/min.
        • 20°C Input: 40 ml/min. to 400 ml/min.

      D/DI-60HL and D/DI-65HL

      • Fluid Delivery Range
        • 10°C Input: 75 ml/hour to 530 ml/min.
        • 20°C Input: 75 ml/hour to 530 ml/min.

      D/DI-70 and D/DI-75

      • Fluid Delivery Range
        • 10°C Input: 50 ml/min. to 500 ml/min.
        • 20°C Input: 30 ml/min. to 675 ml/min.

      D/DI-100 and D/DI-150

      • Fluid Delivery Range
        • 10°C Input: 30 ml/min. to 650 ml/min.
        • 20°C Input: 30 ml/min. to 950 ml/min.

      D/DI-300 and D/DI-350

      • Fluid Delivery Range
        • 10°C Input: 30 ml/min. to 650 ml/min.
        • 20°C Input: 30 ml/min. to 1100 ml/min.

      Feel free to give us a call at 1.800.GET.SOMA (1.800.438.7662) or send us an email at [email protected] if you have any more questions!

      Have a great day!
      Soma Tech Intl

  5. Do you have a video we could post for staff, or a link to a video on this website?
    Thank you
    Beth Weese

    1. Hello Sally!

      I have sent your contact information over to our parts department, they will reach out to shortly with more information on the accessory basket.

      Soma Tech Intl

  6. Couple of questions
    1. if infusing blood, does the line have to be primed with NS first?
    2. What is recommended peripheral IV guage if patient does not have a central line?

    1. Hello Margaret!

      Thank you for reading our post, I am going to have to refer you to our service department to get in touch with one of our biomedical engineers. If you could call 1.800.GET.SOMA and ask to be transferred to our service department, they will be able to answer your question regarding this rapid infuser. Alternatively you could send our service department an email at [email protected].

      Soma Tech Intl

  7. The Smiths Level 1 rapid infuser is under FDA/Health Canada Safety Recall alerts for Aluminum leaching. Does anyone know when this will be resolved? Is Smiths (ICU Medical) working on a fix? A new machine? New disposable tubing sets?

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