Zoll R-Series

January 29, 2018
Zoll R Series Defibrillator

Zoll R-Series

Most of the equipment we sell is used to save lives, and in some capacity aids in less stressful healthcare. Defibrillators may be one of our products that is the quickest to save a life. People who go into cardiac arrest need defibrillation started on them as soon as possible. Electrodes placed on a person’s body sends information about a person’s heart to the defibrillator monitor. If a shock is needed, the defibrillator will prompt the user to deliver one. If a person is still not breathing on their own, please administer CPR.

Cardiac Arrest

There are tell-tale signs that someone is going into cardiac arrest.The common symptoms of a heart attack, or a myocardial infarction, is severe chest pain, heavy breathing, pain down their arm, shoulder pain, nausea, back and jaw pain.


The Zoll R Series defibrillator is one of our highly requested defibrillators. This defibrillator features capnography, pulse oximetry, three invasive pressures, two temperature channels, optional pacing, and non-invasive blood pressure. This defibrillator does a self test once a day.  A rechargeable lithium ion batter pack is also included. This a cost effective defibrillator, with many other options under the Zoll name.

The Zoll Name

Soma Technology only uses top names in the medical technology market. We offer GE, Philips, Zeiss, Physio-Control, Drager, Zoll, and a few others’ products. We believe in using high quality products, and refurbishing them to original equipment manufacturer’s standards.

We have many defibrillators in the Zoll line. We carry the Zoll AED Pro, Zoll E Series Defibrillator, Zoll M Series, and the Zoll X Series.

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