Wellness Wednesday: Take Advantage of the Weather

April 3, 2019
advantage of weather

Wellness Wednesday: Take Advantage of the Weather

With the beginning of warmer weather here in New England comes more opportunities to be outside and enjoy all of our favorite warm-weather activities. Every Wednesday we will suggest doing something so that we can promote a healthier lifestyle. Read more about how exercise affects our mood, and how we can take advantage of the weather.

How Does Exercise Make People Happy?

When people exercise, the brain releases dopamine. This release makes people feel good about themselves. Many physicians, psychologists, and nutritionists suggest that people exercise to ward off their depression or mood disorders. The release of the chemicals in the brain from exercising has been shown to have a positive effect on people who suffer from mood disorders.

Our Favorite Warm Weather Activities

Below is a list of our favorite warm-weather activities to help you have fun and to keep you in shape:

  • Taking an early morning hike before the weather becomes too hot
  • Walking around your neighborhood
  • Biking on a nearby trail
  • Joining a running group
  • Fishing
  • Rollerskating/ Skateboarding
  • Swimming in a pool or lake
  • A pickup game of basketball, soccer, volleyball
  • If you live in a place where it is already summer-like temperatures, go to a lake or the beach – just remember to apply sunscreen

Reminders for Warmer Weather

When the weather gets warmer, it has people feeling more carefree, and happier. However, it is important to remember that we still are responsible for the general health of our bodies. During the warmer months, it is important to still drink the recommended 8 cups of water a day, and maybe even more if you are heavily exercising outside and you need to replenish the water lost through sweating. As well, it is important to apply sunblock to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Applying sunscreen also has the benefit of postponing wrinkles by keeping the elasticity of the skin and from other damage on the skin such as sun spots and freckles.

Final Thoughts

Do you have a favorite activity that you do in the Spring and Summer? Is there a special type of exercise that you do outside? Do you try to stay hydrated every day? Comment below!

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