GE Mac 5500 EKG
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GE Mac 5500 EKG Features:
The GE MAC 5500 is an EKG/ECG system that can provide advanced and accurate electrocardiography readings. The MAC 5500 system can acquire, analyze, display, and record ECG readings for adult and pediatric patients. Offering 3, 6, 12, and 15 lead analysis. The GE MAC 5500 comes with a 10.4-inch color LCD and an alphanumeric keyboard. The system offers internal storage for up to 200 ECG readings. The ECG system can easily connect via ethernet or wireless connectivity to the GE Muse cardiology information system to help manage the patient’s ECG readings.
- Ethernet and wireless networking option saves time, reduces errors, and maximizes charge capture.
- Hook-up advisor minimizes editing time and repeats ECG acquisitions.
- Single button operation for printing, storage, and transmission.
- Bar code scanner helps reduce clerical errors.
- 2SL ECG Analysis program with Gender-Specific software.
- 15-Lead ECG Analysis.
- Optional risk stratification tools such as ACI-TIPI, Late Potential P-Wave Signal Averaging.
- Optional stress testing capabilities.
GE Mac 5500 EKG Specifications:
- Height: 3.7 in (9.4 cm) with the display closed
- Width: 15 in (38.1 cm)
- Depth: 13.8 in (35.1 cm)
- Weight: 15 lb (6.8kg) approx.
- Instrument type: 15 lead (14 channel) microprocessor-augmented, automatic electrocardiograph.
- ECG analysis frequency: 500 samples/second. (SPS)
- ECG storage: 200 (maximum) on internal, non-volatile memory. Facility to archive ECG records on a removable media card. (SD card)
- Digital sampling rate: 4000 samples/second/channel.
- Analysis: Pediatric and Vectorcardiography. Optional: 12SL analysis, Hi-Res, and PHI-Res late potential analysis.
- Pre-acquisition: Provides 10 seconds of instantaneous ECG acquisition.
- Dynamic range: AC differential: ±10 mV DC offset: ±320 mV.
- Resolution: 4.88 µV/LSB @ 250 sps, 1.22µV/LSB @ 500 sps.
- Frequency response: –3 dB @ 0.01 to 150 Hz.
- Common mode rejection: >140 dB. (123 dB with AC filter disabled.)
- Input impedance: >10MO@ 10 Hz, defibrillator protected Patient leakage: <10 µA.
- Pace detect: Orthogonal LA, LL and V6; 750 µV @ 50 µs.
- Special acquisition functions: Disconnected lead detection, electrode impedance, excessive AC noise, baseline wander, and muscle tremor messages.
- Communication: MAC and MUSE system compatible RS-232. Optional: Modem, LAN,
FAX, wireless transmission, remote retrieval. (remote query.)
- Display type: 264 mm (10.4 in) diagonal graphics backlit AM LCD.
- Display resolution: 640 x 480 pixels with waveform enhancement.
- Display data: Heart rate, patient name, ID, clock, waveforms, lead labels, speed, gain, and filter settings, warning messages, prompts, and help messages.
- Writer technology: Thermal dot array.
- Writer speeds: 5, 12.5, 25 & 50 mm/s. (same as display.)
- Number of traces: 3, 6, 12, or 15, user selectable. (same as display.)
- Writer sensitivity/gain: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 10/5 (split calibration) mm/mV. (same as display.)
- Writer speed accuracy: ±2%.
- Writer amplitude accuracy: ±5%.
- Writer resolution: Horizontal 1000 dpi @ 25 mm/s, 200 dpi vertical.
- Paper type: Thermal, Z-fold, perforated, fan fold, 300 sheets/pack.
- Paper size: 215.9 mm x 27604 mm (8.5 in x 11 in) fanfold.
- Type: Sealed elastomer with soft function keys, alphanumeric keys, the writer controls, and TrimPad cursor controls.
- Power supply: AC or battery operation.
- Voltage: 100 to 240 VAC +10, -15%.
- Current: 0.5A @ 115 VAC, 0.3 A @ 240 VAC, typical.
- Frequency: 50 to 60 Hz ±10%.
- Battery type: User-replaceable, 18V @ 3.5 AH ± 15%, rechargeable NiMH.
- Battery capacity: 100 single-page reports (typical) or 6 hours of continuous display. (Without printing.)
- Battery charge time: Approximately 4.5 hours from total discharge. (With the display off.)
- Report formats: vector loops of component vectors. (P, QRS, ST-T)
- Sensitivity: 20, 40, 80, 160 mm/mV.
- Time resolution: 2 ms.