Autoclaves / Sterilizers / Washers / Disinfectors

Soma Tech Intl offers a wide variety of new, used, and refurbished autoclaves, sterilizers, washers, and disinfectors up to 50% below OEM prices with the same service and warranty as new. Soma Tech supplies equipment from only the top brands in the medical industry like ASP autoclaves and sterilizers, Steris autoclaves and sterilizers, and Tuttnauer autoclaves and sterilizers. Soma Tech Intl purchases used autoclaves and refurbishes them back to OEM specifications, replacing any necessary components ensuring the unit is working like it did when it left the manufacturer.

Autoclaves and sterilizers are very important in many different medical facilities. Hospital, laboratories, nursing homes, and more cannot work without a professional medical-grade autoclave. The need to sterilize instruments in these medical facilities is critical. Some equipment such as injectors, blades, and forceps are intended for singular use, while others are designed for reuse. Reusable equipment needs to be sterilized or run through autoclave cycles to ensure that everything is sterile and people are not at risk of infection.

Autoclaves are pressure chambers used to elevate temperature and pressure different from ambient air pressure. Steam is used to sterilize equipment and other objects. This means that all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores are inactivated. Medical-grade autoclaves are regulated medical devices and limited to running regulated-approved cycles. They are approved for continuous hospital use, and require maintenance regimens. Every year the top autoclave and sterilizer manufacturers release newer models that are more energy-efficient, easier to use, and help reduce the cost of maintaining and operating the equipment.

Popular Manufacturers of Autoclaves / Sterilizers / Washers / Disinfectors
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Questions about our Autoclaves, Sterilizers, Washers, or Disinfectors?

Soma Tech Intl offers a wide range of autoclaves. If you have any questions about any of our Autoclaves, Sterilizers, Washers, and Disinfectors or need a quick quote, call us and one of our knowledgeable sales representatives will help you.

Looking to sell your Autoclaves, Sterilizers, Washers, or Disinfectors? Soma ensures your facility gets top dollar for your equipment and also gives the option for trade-in credit.

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